Stories about the Colors of Hurom Juice


Plants produce chemical compounds known as phytochemicals to protect themselves from various external stimuli. Consuming phytochemicals protects your body from free radicals and regenerates damaged cells, thus helping slow the aging process and prevent various diseases.

Hurom Juice red white

Story #1: Hurom Juice Red

Some examples of red foods are tomatoes, beets, pomegranates, red paprika, cherries, and watermelons. These foods contain lycopene, a bright red phytochemical that is responsible for their color, as well as betacyanins (beets) and anthocyanins (pomegranates). Also high in antioxidants and anti-cancer compounds, red foods are especially good for cardiovascular health.

So, the next time you think about eating some healthy fruits or vegetables, why not try some red ones?

Story #2: Hurom Juice White

What foods are white, you ask? Think of bananas, cabbage, cauliflower, pears, onions, and radishes. Anthoxanthins are a type of phytochemical that gives these foods their white and creamy color. The more anthoxanthins they contain, the whiter they are. White foods have a detoxifying effect and boost your immune system, helping your body fight off infections. To keep your body and mind strong and healthy, make sure to get enough white foods in your diet.

Have a healthy glass of milky white juice today!

Hurom Juice Green Yellow

Story #3: Hurom Juice Green

Some common green foods are kale, spinach, wheatgrass, kiwis, green grapes, and avocados.

These foods have some of the highest concentrations of a phytochemical called lutein. Commonly found in green foods, it is an antioxidant that offers anti-aging benefits and protects your eyesight. Some of the nutrients in green foods can be easily destroyed by heat, so it’s best to enjoy these fruits and vegetables uncooked and freshly juiced.

You can also mix them with other fruits to make healthy and delicious treats!

Replenish your energy today with a refreshing glass of green juice. Think healthy, think green.

Story #4: Hurom Juice Yellow

Yellow foods include carrots, oranges, mangos, lemons, pineapples, papayas, and pumpkins. These foods contain high levels of a phytochemical called beta-carotene, which gives them their yellow color. Yellow foods are particularly high in antioxidants and nutrients that help strengthen your immune system and keep your skin looking healthy!

Hurom Juice purple

Story #5: Hurom Juice Purple

Examples of some common purple foods are blueberries, red grapes, red cabbage, and eggplant. These foods are all rich in phytochemicals called anthocyanins, which help maintain good eyesight and prevent premature aging. Purple foods also contain high levels of antioxidants, especially blueberries, keeping you looking and feeling young!

Also, did you know that the color of wine is determined by its anthocyanin content? So, grab a glass of purple juice and make a toast to today. This is the youngest you will ever be for the rest of your life.