About Us
Global health appliance brand
Joyful Challenge, Happy Hurom
휴롬은 사람에게 이로움을 주는 기업입니다.
Hurom's Vision
Hurom is a company that benefits people. Among them, we realize the corporate philosophy with technologies and products for people's health. Therefore, Hurom will contribute to the health and happiness of mankind through various healthy home appliances and 100% homemade Hurom juice, including the health juicer ‘Hurom', so that you can have a healthy eating habit by cooking natural ingredients yourself.
Hurom's Value
Hurom is a company that creates joy through trust and communication.
  • Trust
    Faith is given through adherence to principles and responsible actions.
  • Communication
    We respect and consider each other in a horizontal position and cooperate by sharing information.
  • Joy
    Creates a bright and lively atmosphere with positive thoughts and autonomous actions.
  • Challenge
    Achieve higher goals with passion without fear of failure.
Global Helth Applyance Brand HUROM
Global Health Appliance Brand


Hurom is taking a leap forward as a health home appliance brand that contributes to a healthy and happy life. With the principle that people come first over profit, we implement the technology that is most beneficial to people to pursue a healthy and happy lifestyle to make life even more beneficial.
Hurom always grows with superior quality based on

new innovations

Since its founding in 1974, after researching a happy life, various technologies have been introduced. Hurom's technology is constantly evolving and is steadily growing with excellent performance and value quality.
Hurom Product Research Institute constantly creates, evaluates, and develops new things to provide better products and technologies to customers.

Pre-development team: product development preliminary investigation, review of new development parts, and execution test

Design Team: Design and verify product models using 3D printers.

Certification team: Domestic and overseas product safety certification and electric device component development

Product Design Team: Analyze global trends and consumer tendencies to conceive and implement the most suitable designs and functions.